Belgravia Leisure’s Lakeside Leisure Centre has been ranked one of the best facilities in the state for safety with an impressive score of 93.6, in a Royal Life Saving NSW benchmarking report. Tomaree Aquatic Centre came followed closely with 89.8 and Tilligerry Aquatic Centre followed with a score of 86.1, which is above the state safety average of 83.99.
Lakeside Leisure Centre, Tomaree Aquatic Centre and City of Sydney’s Victoria Park Pool were also recognised for being consistent high performers, coming in the top three of Belgravia Leisure’s NSW sites.
The safety performance of 18 Belgravia Leisure facilities in NSW were compared with the 77 aquatic facilities assessed across the state in the Royal Life Saving’s Aquatic Facility Safety Assessment.
Read more in the News of the Area and Port Stephens Examiner.