With the recent VIC GOV announcement of mandatory masks commencing in late July, we have mandated this to policy and have sourced masks in bulk from a preferred supplier.
Belgravia has now moved to a policy position to mandate that all NSW workers wear a mask while at work from September 1st. While looking into a bulk order for NSW and understanding that it may take time for everyone to secure a mask, there is a grace period that ends the last day of August to ensure NSW staff on-site are wearing masks, but in the interim, we are encouraging all NSW staff to wear a mask as soon as possible while at work.
Wearing a mask helps to slow the Spread of COVID-19 and protect you and those around you. While a mask can be used as an extra precaution, you must stay at home if unwell.
Simple masks can be made at home and the team at Somerville Recreation Centre took it upon themselves to make some face masks from the Belgravia Leisure cleaning cloths handed out at last years National Conference.
The cloths were created to ensure our venues have the highest standard of cleanliness, ‘A clean centre is an inviting centre that attracts sales’. However, the team at Somerville found a new purpose for these cleaning cloths.