(Written by Sanchia Mortimer, Project Support QLD)
The Queensland Leadership team consisting of our State Manager, Regional & Area Managers along with the help of the QLD Support Staff, gathered together to host a workshop for our Year-Round and Seasonal Venue Managers on 16th September.
The conference venue ensured strict COVID safe practices were in place but this didn’t prevent our participants, who hadn’t seen each other since February, from bringing energy and enthusiasm to all aspects of the day. Everyone did not take for granted the opportunity to gather in the one space as this is still a luxury that some other States have not been able to enjoy.
The day started off with our QLD State Manager Dan Cullen providing the team with his thoughts on how well our Venue Managers cooperated and supported each other through the difficult COVID shut down period. Dan spoke of his appreciation and the true professionalism and resilience shown by all Venue Managers as they supported their team members throughout the crisis. Dan also offered words of encouragement to his team with the hope of all venue staff in Queensland returning to normal hours of work in the coming weeks. This came to fruition on 28th September.

The team was also briefed by our COO Anthony McIntosh live via Teams, Macca provided some National perspective on the COVID situation and our rebound from the pandemic and also offered words of encouragement and thanked the group. His appearance was greatly valued by the team as it further endorsed the sheer appreciation held by Head Office for our team members who stayed committed to Belgravia but also to their own team members. Macca’s presentation hit a high note when he commented that the Victorian way of life meant simple activities, like “Bin day” which Victorians would get excited about as it provided an outing outside of the house.
During the course of the day, each Venue Manager was asked to do a presentation to the group. The presentations included their recent highlights, most challenging aspects since COVID, how they overcame these challenges and finally what their 6-Month plan/targets for their facility were. The Venue Managers showcased their talent for public speaking as well as their creativity and individuality.
Overall, we had a very successful day that generated new ideas, a positive mind-set and an eagerness to start our peak season with a bang. This was especially apparent and valuable for the new Venue Managers that joined Team QLD recently.