What you need to know:
As you would all be aware, we have a legal obligation to ensure all staff that are rostered and working hold current qualifications for the role they are fulfilling.
As a minimum, every staff member should have current:
- First Aid qualification (HLTAID011)
- CPR qualification (HLTAID009)
- Working with Children Clearance (if over 18 years of age)
- National Police Check (within 30 days prior to employment commencement)
- Role specific qualifications (Pool Lifeguard Certificate, Swim Teacher qualification, Cert 3 or 4 in Fitness, Cert 3 or Diploma in Childcare etc)
It is the Venue Manager’s responsibility to ensure that every staff member rostered has maintained each of these qualifications and staff are not working without valid and current qualifications. Please check your Gap Report for the latest outstanding qualifications for your venue.
Failure to ensure that each and every team member holds the required qualifications is a breach of Belgravia Policy as well and industry and legislated standards.
What you need to do:
To support venues in maintaining a high level of compliance, EmpLive will prevent staff from being rostered without the relevant qualifications uploaded in Flare HR. It is important that venues utilise this functionality to safeguard the individual, the venue and the organisation from breaches of our legal obligations. Please ensure position types are accurate to the role they are fulfilling on that shift.
For registered training requirements, Belgravia Academy is readily available, and your first point of call to facilitate courses at your venues to update First Aid, CPR and Pool Lifeguard qualifications for your team.

Organising your training through Belgravia Academy will ensure all RTO training requirements are met, training is of a high and effective standard, and training is tailored to Belgravia examples and venues – these guys are a part of the Belgravia Family!).
Please follow the link here and schedule your upcoming training now!