It’s finally time to start planning, preparing and sharing lessons as our facilities start re-opening. We are extremely excited that our facilities in NZ, WA and SA are currently preparing to re-open and continuing to ensure that the health, safety and overall well-being of our members and staff is of the utmost importance.
We’ve enjoyed watching our teams preparing to re-open our facilities, Operations Manager Bobby Savic from Aquarena said “It’s so good to see staff back at work! Although we operate at limited capacity, we are doing all we can to be ready for the opening.
Taking these photos today and seeing how much staff care fills my heart and instills confidence. Today we reached out to numerous members, checked on them, told them that we missed them and it was great to hear they missed Aquarena too. Cleaning and project management go hand in hand and there is plenty of it as we continue to march on and work with Manningham Council.”
Kara Monaghan Regional Manager in Victoria posed the question on LinkedIn “what are your thoughts on the long term impacts and/or what are you planning for reopening?” These were some of the responses.
Vanessa Laino, Aquatic Services Manager said “We plan to re-engage our customers through the use of relevant and exciting digital marketing. At the moment online is our only way of reaching out, so what can we do to get them prepared and ready for swimming via our social media tools. Instil confidence in them that our programs are safe and reiterate the importance of swimming and its necessity for a child. With the reduction of attendance, social distancing will be a lot easier to implement. However, it won’t be forever so with the 40% we do have, let’s showcase their achievements and progression and use them as our advocates for the program and recognise their efforts.
What better way to encourage participation than with our current members. Keep both current and past students and families updated regularly and involved in what we are doing. Communication is key!
Like school we need to make lessons a priority. The current situation has placed many families in financial hardships. Their focus will be to survive and get back on track. Government assistance will make lessons a lot more accessible and help prioritise the sport. It’s not just a sport it’s a survival skill!”
Sarah Podesta, Aquatic Services Manager VIC/TAS said “Regular communication and safety assurance is paramount. When re-engaging our families we need to instil trust that all safety measures are in place and followed. As an industry we need to advocate that swimming is more than a sport. Acquiring life skills such as water safety, needs to be prioritised when considering where to invest into extra curricular activities.
Everyone should have the opportunity to learn to swim and be safe in, on and around water. Therefore, for children in particular Swimming (Lessons) should present as an essential learning area and be accessible for all.”