From gaining the deep respect of team members to consistently delivering measurable business results, effective leadership consists of a myriad of characteristics, strategies and skills.
In November 2019, 28 leaders were nominated from across the Belgravia Group, including Australia and New Zealand to participate in the 2019 Belgravia Leadership College, survivor edition!
Teams travelled to Queenscliff Victoria to embark on the 2019 Belgravia Leadership College that is designed to develop leadership capabilities. The college has a particular focus on self-leadership and the leadership of others over an intensive four-day program.
Learning Outcomes Include
- Understanding what emotional intelligence is and the role it plays, both in and out of the workplace
- Discovering emotional values and triggers and the impact these may have on behaviour, performance and communication
- Uncovering ways of managing your emotions based on your own emotional intelligence levels
- Developing an understanding of the role of emotional intelligence in leadership and people management
Here are some of the outcomes our leaders experienced during the Belgravia leadership College.
Kim Blair, National Administration Manager Genesis Fitness
I had an incredible time at BLC. Meeting so many people from Leisure, learning about different areas of the business and working in a team with people who were complete strangers at the start of the week was daunting but so rewarding. I learnt heaps about myself including how my communication style and the ways that I handle things differently to how other people might, can help me better communicate with my team.
I could not have asked for more support or understanding with bringing my little boy along to BLC. I was still breastfeeding at the time, so leaving him for 4 nights wasn’t an option for me, and while many other workplaces might have decided it was too difficult to accommodate for me, Mark and Cherie arranged a cabin that my mum and little boy could stay in with me without batting an eye. It was busy juggling full days of activities and night work with my team, but thanks to the support of everyone there it all work out beautifully.
Brooke Hodgett, Executive Assistant and Event Coordinator
What did you learn about yourself at BLC 2019?
I really enjoyed learning about my emotional intelligence. It was really interesting to understand more about my strengths and how they impact my decision making as well as my weaknesses as areas to be more emotionally aware of and to further improve.
What did you learn about Belgravia?
We really do have endless opportunities with Belgravia to grow personally and professionally with a fabulous support and development network in place that is continually building.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
I loved getting to know more people in our wider team across the various business units, the value of building our relationships face to face outside of the office, all whilst in a ‘pressure cooker’ situation, creates a really strong connection. It was challenging to be pushed out of my usual routine and comforts zones, to meet tight deadlines among a busy schedule, and to switch off from my usual day to day tasks. As someone who works in a role that is more generally independent, at times it was testing to switch from a silo mindset and really ensure the team’s common goals and purposes were valued and voiced.
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
Based on my emotional intelligence results, I am trying to shift the way I communicate amongst my team in different scenarios. I also found the triad concept of the Tribal Leadership book to be extremely interesting, and have already seen productive and refreshed projects within our team being driven by this. A sense of tribal pride is definitely something I am more conscious of in trying to represent so that this flows through to all those that we cross paths with.
Lisa Mills, Regional Fitness Manager at Genesis Fitness Clubs
What did you learn about yourself at BLC 2019?
Lots! I loved understanding how emotional intelligence impacts me personally as well as how I support and interact with my team…being super empathetic can sometimes also man I take on others problems which can increase stress!
What did you learn about Belgravia?
The emphasis and belief on supporting individuals to become better leaders is something I really value and its great to see this value aligns with Belgravia. It was also great to meet so many other Belgravia team members and understand their role in the business.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
The variety of learning activities made the time fun and engaging and all tied in together. What I personally found the most challenging was the late nights…my brain switches off after 8 pm and when work and discussions with teammates had to be done, it tested me to stay focused.
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
The Tribal Leadership concept has been extremely useful in understanding both my own behaviours and choices at work but also how to help the team I work with to be engaged, productive and happy at work. Because I attended BLC with two other colleagues from our clubs we also have fun calling each other out when we don’t realise we have slipped back into old patterns and language that can prevent us from achieving what we need to.
Clark McCatty, Centre Manager Waikerie Community Sports Centre
What did you learn about yourself at BLC 2019?
Being vulnerable. Allowing yourself to be exposed in the sense that you need to take a step-back from what you know and come at events/situations in an open mind
What did you learn about Belgravia?
The way Belgravia conducts themselves in a pride orientated manner. This resonates an affect where you want to buy in to the overarching purpose.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
Bests moments was the collaborative effort of all involved, the final product of time and effort everyone put in made it much more worth the while. Developing relationships with personnel all around the country also. As testing as it was, the deadlines made sleep very little but the challenge of it kept you going.
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
Workplace culture. Trying to developing everyone as leaders by giving them the chance to troublesolve situations, ideas for events, achievable tasks. Giving them that independency of confidence but also being a supportive network if needed.
Isabella Andueza, Projects Coordinator at Belgravia Leisure
What did you learn about yourself at BLC 2019?
- Reminded me to be very aware of my ‘take on too much, try to do everything on your own, don’t ask for help and burn yourself into the ground’ gene
- How much I want to keep learning and developing to be a future leader
What did you learn about Belgravia?
- How passionate Belgravia is about growing and developing their people
- The diversity of our people and leaders across the countries and business units
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
- Getting to spend time with people outside the workplace, getting to know people on a personal level
- Pushing ourselves, getting uncomfortable, achieving things we at times didn’t think we would be able to do.
- The bond you have with your Tribe at the end, how proud you are of each other!
- Being with people you otherwise may never have crossed paths with
- What we produced at the end of the 4 days! Being so proud of everyone!
- MOST TESTING (also best):
- Being in a bit (a lot) of a pressure cooker environment
- For me, being a Tribal Leader was both one of the most testing but best parts of BLC. Unlike a lot of the BLC cohort, I didn’t manage a team back in my normal work environment, so I found leading my Tribe quite challenging at times (but also GREAT and wouldn’t have changed it).
- Dealing with nerves and anxiety around presenting/public speaking
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
- Being much more aware of what ‘stage’ my actions and behaviour falls into, as well as the actions and behaviours of those around me.
- Know when to delegate!!
- My core values
- Behaviours, leverage points and success indicators of people in the different stages
- A better understanding of not only my own, but the emotions and emotional intelligence of others
Jonathon Paraiso, Centre Manager Albany Creek Leisure Centre
What did you learn about yourself at BLC 2019?
At BLC I learnt about the type of leader I wanted to become; the type that not only leads from the front but also one to take the time to understand each individual member on their views and create a cohesive team working towards a common goal. Personally, from the EI session, I found that I doubted some of my decision making, therefore not necessarily having the right execution when making important decisions. Something I have been working on and will continue to do so, is to trust my decisions more as well as the process.
What did you learn about Belgravia?
I learnt about Belgravia’s history and how the name came to be. That we are also growing at a very rapid rate with many tiers and sectors which is very exciting for the future.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
The best part about BLC was bonding with the people I’d met throughout the short journey. We learned a lot about our groups and how we needed to collaborate to complete our tasks. The most testing was probably the very late nights and early mornings.
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
When I returned back I had a different perspective about my workplace and our team. That to take our facility to the next level, it would mean I had to invest more time understanding my team not just as staff but as individual people. The late nights and early mornings at BLC reiterated to me that there is plenty of time to get things done, but also getting my team to understand that working hard is only a part of the picture, working smart and more efficiently, means we actually can get more work done.
Kirby Stuart, Category Manager – Zoggs at Belgravia Leisure
BLC has given me a very different outlook on work and life. Many lessons I will take with me wherever I go. I have learnt to less pessimistic and have faith in whatever it is I am doing. I have learnt the value a tribe can have and how to make this function not only in the work environment by in everyday life as well.
What did you learn about Belgravia?
That Belgravia is dedicated to personal development and growth. There are many things that Belgravia are doing behind the scenes to really grow each individual and BLC was just one great portion of that.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
The best part of BLC was definitely making new friendships. I wouldn’t have been able to get through BLC without the support of my Tribe and everyone else involved in the program. The most testing parts of BLC was trying to put together our presentations and assignments, a lot of stressful hours!
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
BLC taught me to be more optimistic on outcomes and having faith in the work I do. Working with people to achieve the common goal and not just trying to achieve everything myself.
Mark Chang, Customer Experience & Membership Manager at Knox Leisureworks
I was able to step out and take a genuine look at how my journey as a leader has been, relate this to the levels of tribal leadership and learn more about the things I needed to do to help take my team’s (or tribes!) to the next level. I learned that my strengths and weaknesses all have their pro’s and con’s – and to be more conscious of the behaviours that they exhibit, conscientious of the impact that I have on others around me and to know a little bit better on when to push myself to achieve my leadership philosophies.
What did you learn about Belgravia?
I felt a sincere warmth and care from the team who ran BLC. Being a newcomer to the organisation, it was lovely to meet people who genuinely wanted to get to know me and support my journey. I felt during this time that the staff at Belgravia were invested in me – and in turn this has both motivated and helped me to develop a sense of pride.
I was also able to take a glimpse into the points of view from other leaders in the organisation and understand how to look a little differently at certain situations. This was a great learning tool through the sharing of knowledge.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
Without a doubt the best parts of BLC were both the camaraderie within the tribes (and whole tribe), and the practical knowledge you gain from understanding tribal leadership and emotional intelligence. The camaraderie really fostered some “tribal pride” and I’m quite sure nobody went home thinking of leaving the company!
The most testing part of BLC was to be put into an ocean full of successful, high-achieving leaders and learn to swim. In essence, it was a personal hurdle to overcome for many (including myself) to know that you’ve been teamed up with the “best of the best” without feeling a little intimidated or perhaps in awe. To a degree, there was initially a feeling of pride, shyness, the motivation to make an impact and be noticed – I felt that participants (myself again included) were tested to put in the effort to intentionally come out of their shell and reach new heights. I’d sum it up as – “Gold needs first to be refined by intense pressure before it shines”
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
Tribal leadership stages were a key learning outcome that I brought back to the workplace. I made it a point to take advantage of people’s intrigue as to what I’d been through on BLC to introduce the stages/levels of tribal leadership. I’ve been able to pique the interest in a few employees thus far that I’ve intended to help me grow the workplace toward a level 5!
Understanding my behaviour’s as a result of my emotional intelligence insights have been a great tool. I’ve been able to think about my actions before reacting and choose what kind of things I need to focus on in different situations.
Grace Andrews, Marketing and Communications Specialist at Belgravia Health & Fitness
What did you learn about yourself at BLC 2019?
When I’m part of a team who are invested in a common goal and share similar values, I thrive. I feel confident, I feel supported and I know I can achieve far greater outcomes than I could on my own, all while having fun.
What did you learn about Belgravia?
The business units are huge! There are many specialists both within Health and Fitness, and Leisure. Programs like BLC create various avenues for connection between the two units. We should actively take the time to communicate through these avenues, and not operate in silos.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
On reflection, the most testing parts of BLC resulted in the best parts. The tribal chant for instance, I was absolutely dreading having to dance and sing in front of a group of strangers. But it was the coming together with a small group of people, most of whom I’d just met and discussing what we individually value (the words that formed our chant) that set the foundation of a strong, trusting relationship – something that kept us solidified for the days to follow.
Another example: there was a lesson to be learned in every activity. Even the ‘games’ we played to break up project time. The lesson always tied back to the value of being a team, ensuring everyone understands the plan, working together to achieve the plan, and ensuring communication lines are kept open along the way.
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
Communication is everything. Never assume team members understand the plan. Get all relevant team members involved and invested from the get go. Together you can achieve far greater outcomes than an individual can on their own.
Language! I was very guilty of Stage Three phrases before BLC. I’m actively being mindful of what I say and reaching out to others to help me where required. Because, at the end of the day, I’m one person. You need a team of people to effectively reach business goals.
You can have fun along the way. Know who you’re working with. Take an interest in them and their life outside work. Be vulnerable – it’s uncomfortable, but it’s the very thing that ultimately creates human connection.
Grant Connors, Area Manager at Belgravia Leisure
What did you learn about yourself at BLC 2019?
I was reminded of lots, like how competitive I am, but I learnt a lot too. I definitely learnt that I much prefer to work in small groups than individually and that the creative aspects should be left to my teammates as I am much more of a logical and pragmatic thinker.
What did you learn about Belgravia?
I learnt two main things: firstly, that Belgravia are heavily invested in developing their current and emerging leaders. The second, was that we are such a large organisation with so many talented leaders across business units that I wasn’t even aware of.
What was the best vs the most testing parts of BLC?
The best part was the fact the camp went for long enough that real bonds were made which is something you couldn’t get out of a single day session. The most testing part was trying be a high performing team in a short period of time with a group of relative strangers. It took a lot longer to hit our straps than we would have liked.
What Learning Outcomes have you brought back to the workplace with you?
The importance of building relationships before outcomes.
The efficiency you can achieve by spending time establishing team members strengths and allowing them to focus on tasks in their area of strength.