Our thoughts are with the thousands of people who have had their lives upended by the floods in Queensland and New South Wales. Please check on the well-being of friends, family and loved ones and if you are a Belgravia team leader, please check in with impacted team members.
You can find more information from our Group Health & Safety Manager Liz van Deventer below, including our Flood Safety Protocols and Employee Assistance Program. Please stay safe.
Safety Alert — Flood Events
What you need to know:
As you would be aware, incremental wet weather conditions have been causing severe flooding throughout QLD, with the weather trend migrating into NSW. During a flood event, it is essential to:
- Never drive in floodwaters.
- Never swim or wade in floodwaters.
- Continue to monitor your local media for updated information and advice.
- Evacuate if advised to do so, personal safety is the most important thing!
- For life-threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) and for storm and flood-related property damage, call the State Emergency Service.
When floodwaters recede, the damage left behind can be both devastating and dangerous. Floodwaters can be contaminated and hazards such as gas leaks and electrical hazards may not be obvious. To ensure safety always:
Avoid Flood Waters: Standing water hides many hazards, there may be sharp objects under the water or the road could have collapsed.
Avoid Disaster Areas: Do not visit disaster areas. Your presence may hamper rescue and emergency operations.
Be aware of hazard signage: Road closure and other cautionary signs are put in place for your safety. Pay attention to them!
Wait for the All Clear: Do not enter a flood-damaged building until you’re given the ‘All Clear’ by authorities. Prioritise the safety of yourself and others above property or physical assets.
What you need to do:
- Check on the well-being of friends, family and loved ones.
- If you are a Belgravia leader, please check in with impacted team members.
- Log any incidents or injuries in B-Connected to ensure that care is provided to impacted team members.
- Do not enter flooded buildings and take caution when entering impacted facilities once the water subsides. Seek guidance from your line manager to commence repair and flood remediation activities—Remember personal safety and the safety of others is a priority!
If you have been impacted by the recent weather events or find the content of the communication distressing, the Belgravia Group has an independent employee assistance program with access to qualified psychologists and counsellors 24/7.
If you wish to access this support, you can make contact by calling 1300 OUR EAP.
Download our Flood Safety Protocols & Employee Assistance Program below.