WaterMarc Banyule Aquatic Centre has worked with application developer Cérge to introduce an in-venue communications platform to provide personalised service for patrons with disability. WaterMarc is operated by Belgravia Leisure on behalf of Banyule City Council.
Cérge Co-founder Chris Kerrisk said, “It is a privilege to be working with WaterMarc and Belgravia Leisure who are clear leaders in their industry continually innovating to improve inclusion and access to all people throughout their facilities.
We created Cérge to reduce the fear, anxiety and discrimination individuals with disability endure as customers. But also, we created Cérge to remove the customer service guesswork for service staff to provide personalised service to their customers with disability.
Cérge allows a business to prioritise and promote their services to this very valuable group of customers representing 4.4 million Australians and drive revenue growth by up to 28%.”
Paralympic Medalist Ahmed Kelly said of the Cérge app, “’I am extremely delighted and proud to see WaterMarc trying to make access to their facility easier for people like myself and those with various types of Disability through the use of a simple, yet effective app called Cérge. If you have done so already, I strongly recommend you download the App.”
WaterMarc member, President of Ability Parabadminton Club and 2020 Master Sports Person of the Year Duke Trench-Thiedman is looking forward to using the Cérge platform at WaterMarc. “I am really excited for Cérge to be implemented at WaterMarc because it will provide me with improved access to the exercise equipment and regime for my recovery after a motorcycle accident and being wheelchair bound and partially paralysed. WaterMarc’s gym, warm water pool and Cérge are really suited to my unique requirements,” he said.
Belgravia Leisure National Disability and Diversity Manager Dr Jeff Walkley is pleased that the partnership with Cérge has resulted in breaking down communication barriers for people living with disability in the WaterMarc community. He said, “Belgravia Leisure is proud to work with Cérge to provide the community at WaterMarc with an inclusive communication platform. The platform will break new ground for the venue in maximising its ability to be an inclusive site, allowing the team to welcome and include all.”
Find out more about WaterMarc Banyule here: https://www.watermarcbanyule.com.au/ and find out more about the Cérge platform here: https://cerge.app/.