Over the last three years, community services organisation, Ivanhoe Diamond Valley (IDV), has partnered with Victoria’s WaterMarc Banyule to provide opportunities for participants to be connected to their local community.
As an organisation delivering support services to people with disabilities, their partnership with WaterMarc continues by building an inclusive life. The initiative enables IDV’s participants to benefit from health and fitness classes to participating in work experience placements.
The team at WaterMarc are inclusive and work in collaboration with IDV to enhance opportunities and outcomes for participants who are truly individualised and focused on developing natural supports and relationships. Watermarc and IDV work together to build a good life for participants, one step at a time.

Participants of the program range in ages and abilities with new confidence and continued growth:
Toli: I like to come to WaterMarc to get to know people and clean the gym equipment to keep it safe for people. It also gives me ideas on what jobs I can do.
Jackson: WaterMarc is a good place to learn new things and I like the people and meeting new staff, who are really nice.
Zara: The pools are calming. I love the music, it’s very enticing. I like that the pools are separate.
Ted: I like going to WaterMarc to exercise because the staff are friendly and helpful. There is a lot of space and equipment for me to use.
Instructor at WaterMarc, Jenny Bruzzaniti said, “I’ve had the privilege of taking the IDV aqua group this year and have enjoyed every minute! I love that this group of young people come in with no inhibitions and enjoy exercising, dancing – and even singing – in the water. Their progress has been amazing! I’ve noticed their confidence has improved and their willingness to try new things.
“I feel I’ve personally benefited from having spent time with them. After each class I feel happier and re-energised. It’s amazing how many other visitors comment how wonderful the class is – usually saying ‘that must be the happiest class in the centre’, and how many patrons want to join in as well. The class has been so well received, we are planning to add an All Abilities aqua class to the timetable next year.”
Supporting Jenny’s reflection, Guest Experience Coordinator, Jayde Popovski said, “I am so proud to be organising and supporting the partnership between WaterMarc and IDV. For the past three years, the program has continued to grow and will continue to grow further.
“Working with IDV has benefited myself, as every day I walk away happier after having a chat to the groups. I am most proud of being able to give 10 participants work placement hours which was the final step in completing their qualification in work education. The partnership has grown so much, and I have gained their trust.
“Every Wednesday the cooking group at IDV make my lunch for a small cost of $7.50. At 12pm I walk over the road, collect my lunch and have a little chat. I really believe it gives every one of the participants a new-found confidence. IDV is the best part of my day!”.

At Belgravia Leisure, we believe in making a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of people and communities. All of our systems, programs and services deliver a social health return and we measure impact by who benefits, how many people benefit, how they benefit, and how benefits are shared.