Mother’s Day just skipped by again in 2019, but we think it’s important to keep the spotlight on them. B-Informed spoke to some of the hardworking mums in the business: those legends juggling careers on top of the important role of being a mum.
These savvy mums share what they love about being a working mum, the challenges they face and more!
Get to Know Hepburn’s Customer Experience Manager, Jacqui Flinn
I work at the historical Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa which is located in the idyllic Daylesford Spa region (sounds terrible I know)! Having moved to the area when my daughter Lenni was just six weeks old, I had my eyes set on securing a role here. Currently, I am the Customer Experience Manager which suits me perfectly as I am super passionate about helping people rejuvenate, relax and experience it all in a flawless, effortless and memorable manner!
What do you love about being a working mum?
I love that I get the best of both worlds! There is nothing more important to me than spending quality time with my daughter and being fully present with her in whatever adventures we are caught up in.
Then, I get the luxury of coming into work and flicking the switch into being present in my role and with the team here. My daughter now almost two, mimics me with her lion lunch bag and pretends to leave to go to work every morning which is hilarious and I hope the beginning of instilling a strong work ethic in her.
How do you make time for work and family?
I get up VERY early!! Seriously early! I like to plan the night before in terms of where I can spend quality time with my family the next day. It might be a big walk around the lake followed by baby-chinos (and caffeine for yours truly) with the family in the morning or making sure that we all sit down to a meal together. Having a weekly visual of what is happening where and when helps a lot too.
What are the most challenging aspects that working mothers face today?
I won’t speak for all mums, but for me most of the time it is arriving at work in a clean shirt minus the baby-chino mess from the kid! Jokes aside, for me it is managing my time to feel that I am having wins at work and equally as a mother. Lenni will be the first to let me know if she hasn’t had enough ‘mum’ time which is a good reality check.
How do you manage a healthy work-life balance?
Looking after myself as a priority is key. So, the combination of exercising, eating well, a great night’s rest and getting in the healing ‘water’ at work weekly puts me in a great all-round space to have the energy to be my best version in all areas. I do think that as a working mum you are constantly trying to improve and evolve in this area.
How has Belgravia Leisure supported you as a working mum?
From the onset, I think being a working mum was seen as advantageous not limiting, which let’s face it we may just be equipped with a little more patience, wisdom, resilience, strategic planning and problem-solving skills than the average team member lol!
Karen Golden my direct line manager has always taken an interest in my family and appreciates that I always strive to go above and beyond from a work perspective as well as prioritising family events that are important to me. So, that acknowledgement and flexibility are always appreciated.
Get to Know WAVES Centre Manager, Amanda Lenton
My role is Centre Manager for the WAVES Fitness & Aquatic Centre working alongside the Hills Shire Council. Waves is an outdoor facility that runs all year round and is home to various aquatic and fitness programs. I recently celebrated my 3rd anniversary year with Belgravia Leisure and love the diversity within the position. I am constantly being challenged and growing both professionally and personally which is extremely important.
What do you love about being a working mum?
I love that being a parent gives me a higher sense of purpose and connection to what I do. I really feel grateful to have a role in an industry that allows me to contribute to things like drowning prevention, improving the mental and physical health of the community, as these are issues that are important to me as a parent and provide a higher level of job satisfaction.
How do you make time for work and family?
This can be a challenge. I commit one day a week to finishing at a set, scheduled time, regardless of workloads or events that may pop up. I also accept that it’s not realistic to be there for your family 100% of the time, there are things that I miss out on or sacrifice for my career but it’s about finding the balance that you are happy with and not comparing that to anything anyone else may be doing.
What are the most challenging aspects that working mothers face today?
I think there are many significant challenges for both working mothers and working fathers but I do feel more and more women are trying to have it all and be it all, which is just not possible. Women carry a lot of guilt over the things that they are not able to do for the family. School events that are missed or other family members stepping in to provide care or support household duties can leave women feeling inadequate. There is more and more pressure on women to be on top of everything both at home and at work.
How do you manage a healthy work-life balance?
I think it’s about understanding what is a priority and what is not, and accepting that there are times when work will take over. But there are also times when it will slow down and life can have a bigger focus. It’s important to be able to understand what creates the most value in your role and commit the most amount of time to those activities and not get caught up spending too much time on tasks that have less or lower impact.
How has Belgravia Leisure supported you as a working mum?
Belgravia Leisure has shown a high level of concern for the hours that I work and my contribution to the business. They have taught me a lot about maintaining a healthy work-life balance and made it possible for me to have a career in an industry that I am passionate about, whilst raising a family.
Get to Know Mt Albert Swim School Coordinator, Anya Lockie
Hi, I’m Anya, the Swim School Coordinator at Mt Albert Wave Pool. I have been teaching and coaching swimming for 20 years in a LTS environment and club, and I have been coordinating swim schools for the past 15 years.
My job is to make sure all swim school clients are in the correct classes that our swim school instructors are teaching at a high level with proven results. Making sure staff are happy with timetables and classes they are teaching is of high importance to keep staff motivated.
What do you love about being a working mum?
I love that my children see both myself and my husband working hard and so that we can provide for them.
How do you make time for work and family?
I have been lucky that when I was approached to take the role I requested for a part-time position and flexible hours. So I am able to do the job with the Help of the Centre Manager and the reception manager, they are amazing. I can also attend at any time with my children to see that the teachers and swimmers are happy.
What are the most challenging aspects that working mothers face today?
Companies not seeing the long term value of taking on working mothers. Employing staff that do not have children can give short-term gains with long hours and flexible timetables but often these staff move on much quicker and can only commit to these hours initially. Whereas I believe working mothers give an honest and long-term commitment.
How do you manage a healthy work-life balance?
The nature of the job is that the program is running every day of the week for at least five hours so sometimes not being able to completely switch off due to knowing the program is running can be stressful. During one week of school holidays, we have no program running, so I really appreciate this and can completely separate to give a good work-life balance.
How has Belgravia Leisure supported you as a working mum?
My flexible timetable is great and has allowed me to continue having a good work-life balance. A large part of the support has come from my Centre Manager Irene and Reception Manager Abha, they have been amazing at assisting me when needed.