Self-isolation and social distancing are vital in “flattening the curve” which has been made very clear by health professionals and authorities. Amidst everything that’s going on, not being able to see or hug our friends and family in person is a difficult part of self-isolation. Therefore, we must stay connected with friends, family and colleagues online as much as possible to show that we care and to support one another during these unprecedented times.
There is a lot of uncertainty about the next few months but it’s important to ensure we’re prioritising out mental health and checking in on the ones we love. We’ve seen a number of our team members checking in with each other and we would encourage you to do the same!
It’s also important that we are staying home and staying safe but that doesn’t mean we can’t be productive! Here are a few things our teams are doing to connect, educate and improve themselves during self-isolation.
The marketing team has been holding weekly catch-ups where they bring a beverage and learn more about each other. Last week they shared stories from their childhood and apparently Liz has been a bit of a superstar creator since she was a child, winning Agro’s Cartoon Connection competition and getting her first kiss in the same year! Can you guess who is who above?
A lot of our teams have also been exploring their creativity by finding online courses on platforms like Skillshare and Udemy to improve upon their skillset. Brooke has been enjoying learning more about filmmaking including lighting, sound recording, cinematography, and editing by taking the Complete Filmmaker Guide: Become an Incredible Video Creator.
Superstar runner and swim teacher Nicki from Yarra Centre sharing her morning driveway run in the beautiful Yarra Junction. 1km in length, 1000s of km in beauty.
More Ideas to Keep You Busy
There are a number of things we can be doing from home, some other ideas the teams have shared are:
- Doing a deep clean and organising your home
- Learning to cook something new
- Fixing those things you’ve been meaning to fix for a while
- Practising self-care
- Finding a new hobby
- Learning a new language
- Journalling
- And as always ensure you’re staying connected with friends and loved ones