Belgravia Leisure today announced the launch of its parks, resorts and tourism arm, BelgraviaPRO.
Belgravia Leisure CEO, Nick Cox, said BelgraviaPRO is a joint venture with long-established Parks and Resort Operational (PRO) Management.
“This new partnership brings Belgravia Leisure’s solid asset management systems to PRO Management’s portfolio of 22 properties as well as the financial security of the parent company, Belgravia Group,” he said.
“PRO Management founder and Managing Director, Darren Beck, is a respected industry figure who has successfully managed a wide range of camping grounds and large-scale, resort-style tourist parks in popular holiday destinations across Australia.”
Mr Beck has accepted the position of BelgraviaPRO General Manager and Director effective from 1 February 2018, and will work closely with client partners, staff and contractors for a seamless transition.
“We recognise the excellent work of our staff and contractors, as well as the important role they play in the local communities in which we work,” he said.
“Continuation of this great service is an important part of our new partnership. BelgraviaPRO will continue employment for all existing staff and recognise prior service, and contractor services will also be maintained during the transition.”
BelgraviaPRO also owns PRO Management’s Registered Training Organisation (RTO), delivering nationally recognised qualifications in parks, resort and tourism operations and management.
“It is business as usual for staff and contractors, holiday makers, permanent residents and RTO students during the transition,” Mr Beck said.
BelgraviaPRO is soon to partner with more than 10 government and non-government organisations to operate over 20 holiday park destinations across Australia in 2018.