Belgravia is excited to announce Wayne Goldsmith’s appointment to our Group Aquatics Manager role. Mr Goldsmith commences as Belgravia’s Group Aquatics Manager from the 1st of August 2022.
Mr Goldsmith comes to Belgravia with 30 years of experience in the sports industry. Mr Goldsmith has worked with a wide range of sporting organisations, professional sporting teams and industry groups, including AFL, NRL, Super Rugby, Tennis Australia, Swimming Australia, Water Polo Australia and Triathlon Australia.
Belgravia Leisure’s CEO Nick Cox said, “We are proud to appoint Wayne to the role of Group Aquatics Manager with his significant experience and contributions to the sports and leisure industries.
“Prior to his time with the Belgravia Group, Wayne has been an influential figure in aquatics in Australia and around the world for more than a quarter of a century. He’s been involved in all aquatic industry sectors, from Learn to Swim to elite-level high-performance programs. Programs including six years as Swimming Australia’s National Manager of Sports Science,” Mr Cox said.
Mr Goldsmith’s impact on the Australian sports industry saw him receive the Eunice Gill Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Coach Education in Australia by the Australian Sports Commission.
On his appointment, Mr Goldsmith said, “I’m extremely excited to be working with Belgravia. Belgravia has been a strong force in the aquatics industry, with more than 30 years of experience in the leisure and recreation industry. The opportunity to lead their national aquatics program area is something I’m looking forward to.”
Mr Goldsmith’s impact on the aquatic industry has also been recognised by receiving The Outstanding Contribution to Swimming in Australia Award. Later this year, he will be honoured by the International Swimming Hall of Fame at an award ceremony in Florida, USA.
“I’ve had a lifelong passion for this business, and I believe in our unique capacity to teach kids something that’s not just fun and enjoyable but a skill that could potentially save their life or the life of someone they care about,” Mr Goldsmith said.
“My approach is pretty simple. If we focus on helping kids and families fall in love with the swimming experience so that they truly love what they do, they will do what they love. If we can inspire a love of the water in all of our clients, we will have done our job.
“I would like to think that every child attending any Belgravia swimming experience anywhere throughout our network leaves having learnt something new, but more importantly, has a big smile on their face,” Mr Goldsmith concluded.
“We are looking forward to Wayne’s continued success and growth with Belgravia and the partners and communities we serve,” Mr Cox concluded.