The customer is the centre of everything we do at Belgravia Leisure, but it’s sometimes difficult to gauge if we are on the right track with delivering an excellent guest experience.
The AskNicely Platform has provided our teams with a tool to measure customer feedback and act on the results. Most recently, our teams saw a stark improvement (an increase of 7 points year on year from the previous quarter) between August and October in their AskNicely Net Promoter Scores (NPS) when customers were surveyed on how our teams were performing and our response to COVID-19. The NPS scores were valuable in informing our teams on whether they were on the right track with their customer service performance.
In 2021, Belgravia will be launching its own customer insight platform which will be hosted on the Microsoft Dynamics platform. The new platform will replace AskNicely and provide Belgravia with a robust tool in which to measure customer and employee satisfaction.
Guest Experience Manager Tim Hutchison is looking forward to launching the platform very soon. “Ask Nicely provided Belgravia with good insight into how we are tracking with our customer service, but with the rollout of Microsoft Dynamics we now have the opportunity to develop our own customer insight platform within the Dynamics environment which will allow us to customise the type of feedback we receive and how we get this feedback,” said Tim.
The customer insight project will not only introduce greater efficiencies through technological advances such as QR codes, but also allow Belgravia to similarly survey employees while also providing training tools, videos and resources.
“The new platform will allow customers to provide valuable insight through QR codes within our venues along with scheduled automated surveys via EDM. The insight gathered will provide all levels of management with critical data related directly to customer and employee loyalty.”
Look out for more information on the customer insight project as we aim to launch in early 2021.
Visit the Belgravia Leisure Guest Experience Station for useful resources on how to create exceptional experiences for our guests.