We think we can all agree that anytime is a good time to enjoy a hot, fresh cup of coffee, especially during the cold winter months. We are excited to announce that Measured Ground Coffee is now available in all Belgravia Leisure Cafés, so we suspect you’ll become close with our barista teams.
New loyalty cards are also available to reward guests with a free coffee, so be sure to pick one up on your next visit to your local aquatic centre Café.
More About Measured Ground
We love Measured Ground because Measured Ground Fairtrade Coffee beans are a blend of Brazilian and Vietnamese ethically sourced coffee beans, roasted in Australia.
We support Fairtrade – it ensures that farmers and their families are paid a fair price for the products they grow. Measured Ground aims to source ethically and continually develop and improve our sustainable approach to business.
Available in our Café, come in and join us to sip, stay or takeaway!
Please Note: We encourage all our customers to bring their own reusable cups to reduce waste to landfill whenever possible.
Did You Know?
Not that most people need one, but there are GOOD reasons to drink coffee.
- Did you know that a cup of brewed coffee represents a contribution of up to 1.8 grams of fibre of the recommended intake of 20-38 grams? (according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)
- Coffee beans are not themselves fruit, but they are part of a fruit. The coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant. In fact, it’s not technically a bean at all – it’s just a seed.
- Did you know that coffee prevents retinal damage? A Cornell University Study showed that coffee may prevent retinal damage due to oxidative stress. Caffeine isn’t the culprit here, but chlorogenic acid (CLA), which is one of the strong antioxidants found in the coffee bean.
- Did you know that coffee could give you more besties at work? It helps people get along with co-workers better. A study showed that workers/ workplaces who consume coffee have a more positive view of self and others than do workers/ workspaces that do not consume coffee. Coffee consumption also enhanced participation in workplace group activities.
There are two main factors that could be considered benefits to drinking coffee. The first is associated with its high antioxidant status. Antioxidants are important for health as they prevent our cells from being oxidised by toxins, chemicals and inflammation. Coffee does contain some B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. Consumption has been associated with various health benefits.
In general, moderate consumption is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, liver cancer, and Parkinson disease. Research has also linked moderate coffee consumption to a longer life span.
The second benefit is the stimulant caffeine. Numerous studies demonstrate that caffeine can lead to a short-term boost in brain function, improving mood, reaction time, vigilance and general cognitive function. It helps you feel less tired, increase energy levels, burn fat by jump-starting the body’s metabolism, and improve productivity.
How Much Caffeine is in a Cup of Coffee?
Coffee is the biggest dietary source of caffeine. You can expect to get around 95 mg of caffeine from an average cup of coffee. However, the caffeine content is affected by the type of coffee bean, roast style, how the coffee is prepared and the serving size.
Lighter roasts have more caffeine than darker roasts, although the darker roasts have a deeper flavour.
What’s Your Flavour?
How much caffeine is IN your coffee of choice? Below is an estimate based on average serving size:
- A double shot of espresso contains roughly 125mg of caffeine
- A long black contains roughly 210mg of caffeine
- A latte contains roughly 119mg of caffeine
- A cappuccino contains roughly 75mg of caffeine
Fairtrade Coffee
Coffee is known as a highly volatile commodity, with wide price fluctuations year to year. Climate change represents a dire threat to coffee farmers. Many report of the negative impacts from changing weather patterns affecting quality and growth. Plus, many farmers lack bargaining power when engaging in negotiations. Frequently this means they are not paid a fair price for their produce.
Fairtrade helps to bring farmers together to strengthen their position.