Tobruk Memorial Pool lifeguards Corey Cox, Amandine Fetel and Samuel Woodcock were awarded three out of the five annual Australian Resuscitation Club medals in November 2020.

The Australian Resuscitation Club Medals are awarded by Royal Life Saving Australia to any person in the community who attempts to save a life by performing Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). The Medal is awarded in appreciation to acknowledge members of the community who have attempted to save the life of a fellow human being by the application of CPR. It is based upon research and teachings of lifesaving skills by the Royal Life Saving Society – Australia.

The awards were presented for Corey, Amandine and Samuel’s prompt and professional response that saved swimmer Anthony Forsyth’s life. Anthony was found by the lifeguards at the bottom of the 50-metre pool at Tobruk Memorial. The lifeguards retrieved Anthony and began CPR response. After approximately three rounds of CPR Anthony regained consciousness and was placed in the recovery position. Anthony was then taken to hospital by ambulance after successful resuscitation by Corey, Amandine and Samuel.
Anthony has since recovered from the accident and said, “Whatever it was that brought these three people into my life, I am forever grateful to them for allowing me to come home safe and sound.”
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