Andrew has been with Belgravia Leisure for over six years. Andrew started as the WA Health and Fitness Manager and after two years started his now dual role as WA Area Manager and Health & Wellbeing Manager for Western Australia and Queensland.
When we asked Andrew to share a bit about himself he said, “I have an amazing wife Lisa and most recently celebrated our 24th Wedding Anniversary. I have two boys, Jett, 19 years old in his second year of a Psychology degree at UWA and Kian, 17 years old who just completed Year 11. My third son, Nanook, is my adorable husky.
“I spent nine years overseas working with large commercial and private fitness, wellbeing and spa operators on three continents. Asia, Europe and the USA. I have an equal passion for getting people active and huge burgers, KFC or Macca’s, please don’t judge,” Andrew said.
What are some of your highlights of working with Belgravia Leisure?

“Working as part of a team of experts and professionals in the National Health and Wellbeing Leadership Team, and being exposed to and assisting in the delivery of amazing work which our Access and Inclusion team have developed,” Andrew said.
What is your favourite and least favourite thing about your career?
“My favourite thing is being given the opportunity to live and work in different counties, helping and collaborating with so many different people within the health, fitness and wellbeing industries. My least favourite thing is being away from my family,” Andrew said.
Where do you see yourself in the next three to five years?
“In the next few years, I want to be speaking and presenting at industry-related conferences, both locally and interstate. I look forward to improving those skills and taking my skillset to the next level so I can contribute even more to Belgravia Leisure and the industry as a whole,” Andrew said.
What are three things you’re most passionate about in life and why?
“My health, fitness and well-being, and that of others, because without them, we cannot enjoy nature, time with our family and friends or experience new things, creating memories,” Andrew said.