Belgravia Leisure facilities have reported a Group Mean Safety Score of 91.8% at the 2020/21 Aquatic Facility Safety Assessment (AFSA) in a report released by Belgravia Leisure in partnership with Royal Life Saving NSW. The result significantly exceeds the NSW average of 83.2%.
Eighteen out of twenty facilities managed by Belgravia Leisure rank in the top half of the state in 2020-21. Of the top ten ranked facilities across the state, five are operated by Belgravia Leisure.
The AFSA is designed to provide swimming pool owners and operators with a comprehensive overview of their safety standards. The assessment enables the development of a detailed report benchmarked against a range of industry, state and national standards, guidelines and legislative provisions.
Belgravia Leisure’s high safety score reflects the teams’ dedication to utilising the March to June 2020 lockdown periods to review and improve on safety processes.
Belgravia Leisure South West NSW Area Manager Scott Vanderheyden was pleased that the aquatic teams’ forward planning has resulted in safer facilities for communities in NSW. “We were aware that being in lockdown would present some challenges to the management and safety of our facilities in NSW. Knowing staff would have three months without work, we used the time to complete more regular in-service training sessions and complete any maintenance or operational improvements.”
The emphasis on safety continued after lockdown, with weekly and fortnightly meetings with the Workplace Health and Safety and Operations departments to work through corrective action plans, innovations and improvements.
“We wanted to reinforce the culture that safety is the highest priority within our organisation and should be embedded into everything we do at our facilities,” Vanderheyden explained.
Royal Life Saving NSW commends Belgravia Leisure on its commitment to safety in the AFSA report, recognising that the organisation has a strong history of commitment to aquatic safety in NSW, having undertaken the AFSA annually across all facilities since 2016. Find out more about Belgravia Leisure’s aquatic programs and facilities here: