As R U OK? Day (Thursday, 14 September) approaches, let’s foster a workplace culture of meaningful conversations to support each other and our communities. Remember, asking “are you OK?” can make a real impact, and we can all play a role in creating a supportive environment.
Let’s come together and show support to those who may be struggling. Remember, you don’t need to be an expert to reach out to someone – being a good friend and a great listener can make all the difference.
Resources available to you below include:
- R U OK? Day resources, including posters and a practical guide.
- Belgravia Academy’s Mental Health First Aid course for equipping you with skills to provide initial help to those experiencing mental health challenges.
- Take Charge Mental Health eLearning Program, focusing on the role of physical activity in preventing and treating mental health issues.
- Reaching out for support numbers for immediate help.
- Our Resetting Your Wellbeing Toolkit, designed to provide ongoing support for your mental health journey.
R U OK? Day Resources
Looking to ask R U OK? in the workplace? R U OK? has developed resources, including posters and a practical guide, to help you ask the question in a safe and supportive way.
- Browse and access R U OK? Day resources here.
Undertake Belgravia Academy’s Mental Health First Aid
Looking to strengthen your ability to ask, “R U OK?” in the workplace and provide meaningful support? Belgravia Academy offers a Mental Health First Aid course designed to equip staff with the knowledge and skills needed to provide initial help to someone experiencing mental health challenges.
By participating in this training, you become essential to our mission to foster a culture of care and empathy within Belgravia Leisure.
Contact Belgravia Academy to find a course near you or to book a group training session at your venue.

Free Mental Health E-Learning Program – MHeLP
Physical activity has a critical role to play in preventing the onset of mental health illness and its treatment. That’s why we developed a cutting-edge Mental Health eLearning Program called MHeLP.

MHeLP is a cutting-edge Mental Health eLearning Program developed under the guidance of international mental health and exercise experts.
Designed for the New Zealand and Australian leisure and community support sectors to equip our employees and volunteers with strategies to support themselves and others’ mental health.
It is completely free, self-paced and earns learners two continuing education credits (CECs). We encourage your participation and ask you to promote participation with others.
Reaching out for support
We encourage our teams to stay in touch with your colleagues and line manager if you require any support. However, if you need professional support, please contact your doctor, local health centre or one of the services below.
If you are struggling, please seek assistance by contacting your trusted healthcare professional or calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others, seek immediate assistance by calling Triple Zero (000) in Australia or Triple One (111) if in New Zealand.
Lifeline (24/7)
13 11 14
Suicide Call Back
Service (24/7)
1300 659 467
Kids Helpline (24/7)
1800 551 800
Beyond Blue (24/7)
1300 224 636
SANE Australia
1800 18 SANE (7263)
More contacts
New Zealand
Healthline (24/7)
0800 611 116
0800 726 666
0800 543 354
Download our Resetting Your Wellbeing Toolkit
Having good mental health, or being mentally healthy, is more than just the absence of illness; it’s a state of overall well-being. Belgravia Leisure has created a well-being toolkit with simple strategies for busy times.

In this toolkit you will find:
- Why wellbeing matters
- The wellbeing quiz – what your score means
- 5 Ways to wellbeing
- The benefits of self-care
- How to create your own well-being plan
- External and internal resources