Our canine companions got a chance for a late summer dip in April, with several Belgravia Leisure aquatics venues holding special swimming events for dogs before they closed for the winter.
Down in Hobart, Glenorchy War Memorial Pool ran its first-ever Dog Day Out on Thursday 31 March, with the event selling out weeks in advance. It was a chance to bring the local community together, along with their four-legged friends, for some aquatic fun. Dogs got to enjoy a 45-minute swim in the pool, as well as receiving a goodie bag. Most importantly, the event was in support of a good cause, with $1294.40 raised for Guide Dogs Tasmania.
Venue manager Taylah Lucadou-Wells commented, “The local community of Glenorchy booked out our sessions and were even paying just to watch! We have raised a total of $1,294.40 for Guide Dogs Tasmania, with more funds expected to be raised from charity photographers. A massive thank you to Kristy from Guide Dogs Tasmania for helping pull the event together successfully and supplying goodies for the pooches.”

Elsewhere in Tasmania, Splash Devonport Aquatic and Leisure Centre held its Splash Dog Day 2022 on Saturday 2 April. Guests’ dogs got the opportunity to take a dip in the 50-metre outdoor pool before the venue closed for the end of the summer season. Owners were charged $10 for each dog that swam, with the event raising a total of $945 for Neonatal Kitten Rescue.
Over in New Zealand, two Belgravia Leisure venues in the Waikato district on North Island hosted pool parties for local dog adoption centre Waikato Pound Pups. Ngaruawahia Swimming Pool held the first party on Saturday 2 April, with Tuakau – Centennial Pool holding its event on Sunday 3 April. As well as an opportunity for dogs of all sizes to get in the water, there were spot prizes given out throughout the day and a $5 raffle to raise funds for Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue and Country Retreat Animal Sanctuary.
Finally, Belgrave Heated Outdoor Pool in Victoria held its annual Doggy Hour on the Labour Day holiday on 14 March. Every year on the last day of the season the venue opens the pool up for an extra hour and invites the community and their dogs to come and enjoy a swim. Dog owners were asked to contribute a gold coin donation to the Belgravia Foundation.