Heat Health Alerts have been issued by the Victorian Chief Health Officer for much of the state on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 January.
In addition, a Severe Fire Danger Rating is forecast for most of the state for this Friday with a Total Fire Ban declared across Victoria.
Whilst Victoria experiences severe summer weather, the warning also serves as a timely reminder in all states about how to manage extreme weather events during summer.
Below are a few tips on managing extreme heat with guests and members in our centres:
• Encourage children to drink plenty of water and have water available at all times.
• Be alert to children, adults or pets being left in cars. The temperature inside a parked car can double within minutes.
• Keep cool. Seek out air-conditioned buildings, draw your blinds and use a fan.
• Power outages can happen in extreme weather. Make sure you have a torch, a charged mobile phone and emergency contact numbers handy.
• Plan ahead. Schedule activities in the coolest part of the day and avoid staff and children exercising in the heat. If you do go outside, ensure staff, as well as children, wear a hat and sunscreen.
• Look out for symptoms of heatstroke in staff and children, which include turning pale, a rapid or irregular heartbeat, dizziness, nausea and fainting. This is a medical emergency and you should call 000 immediately.
• For Victorians, keep staff and children safe by listening to local radio, downloading the free VicEmergency App on your phone or calling the VicEmergency Hotline number 1800 226 226 for warnings, advice and up-to-date information.